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Olivia Tucker

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

4 min read

Are you curious about the blue ticks that appear next to your messages on WhatsApp? These ticks are called WhatsApp read receipts, and they provide information about when your message was delivered and read by the recipient. While read receipts can be helpful for confirming that your message was received, they can also be a source of anxiety and privacy concerns. In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about WhatsApp read receipts, including how they work, how to turn them off, and what they mean in group chats. By the end of this post, you'll have the knowledge to manage your read receipts and protect your privacy on WhatsApp.

Part 1. Discover the Secrets of WhatsApp Read Receipts

If you've ever sent a message on WhatsApp, you've probably noticed the blue ticks that appear next to your message. These ticks are WhatsApp read receipts, and they provide information about when your message was delivered and read by the recipient. Here's what you need to know about WhatsApp read receipts:

  • How read receipts work: When you send a message on WhatsApp, it will show a single grey tick to indicate that the message has been sent. When the message is delivered to the recipient's phone, the grey tick will turn into two grey ticks. Finally, when the recipient reads the message, the two grey ticks will turn into two blue ticks.
  • single grey tick
    double grey tick
  • The difference between single and double blue ticks: Single blue tick means your message was delivered to the recipient's phone but not yet read. Double blue ticks indicate that your message was delivered and read by the recipient. However, note that this doesn't mean the recipient necessarily replied to your message.
  • double blue tick
  • How read receipts are displayed to users: WhatsApp displays read receipts to both the sender and the recipient of the message. If you see two blue ticks next to a message, you know that the recipient has read the message. If you see single grey tick, it means that the message has been sent but not yet delivered to the recipient's phone.
  • The significance of the time stamp on your read receipts: The time stamp on your read receipts indicates the exact time the recipient read your message. This can be helpful for confirming whether someone has seen your message or not.
  • WhatsApp Message Info

By understanding how WhatsApp read receipts work and what they mean, you can use them to your advantage and communicate more effectively on the platform. In the next section, we'll explore the meaning behind different WhatsApp read receipt statuses.

Part 2. Get the Inside Scoop on WhatsApp Read Receipts Status

While WhatsApp read receipts are straightforward to use, there are some nuances to how they function, especially in group chats. Here are some things to keep in mind about WhatsApp read receipt statuses:

  • The meaning behind different WhatsApp read receipt statuses: In addition to the double blue ticks, there are several other read receipt statuses on WhatsApp. A single grey tick means the message has been sent, but not yet delivered to the recipient's phone. Two grey ticks mean that the message has been delivered, but not yet read by the recipient. A clock icon means that the message is still in the process of being delivered.
  • How read receipts are displayed in group chats: In group chats, read receipts can be a bit more complicated. When someone reads a message in a group chat, the double blue ticks will only appear next to the message for that person. Other members of the group won't see the double blue ticks until they've read the message themselves.
  • Group Message Info
  • What it means when a message is "delivered" vs "read": A message that's marked as delivered means it's been sent to the recipient's phone, but hasn't yet been read. Once it's been read, the two blue ticks will appear next to the message.
  • How to view read receipts for your own messages: If you're curious about whether your own messages have been read, you can tap and hold on the message to bring up additional options. Then, tap on "Info" to see the message details, including the time the message was delivered and read.

By understanding the different WhatsApp read receipt statuses, you can gain more insight into your conversations and know when your messages have been read. However, there may be times when you want to turn off read receipts altogether. In the next section, we'll explore how to do that effectively.


Single Grey Tick

Two Grey Ticks

Clock Icon

Double Blue Ticks

Message Sent





Message Delivered





Message Read





Displayed in Group Chat





Displayed to Other Members






The above table only pertains to WhatsApp read receipts and does not include other messaging apps.

Part 3. Turning off WhatsApp Read Receipts: Pros and Cons

While WhatsApp read receipts can be useful, there may be times when you don't want the other person to know that you've read their message. In such cases, you can turn off read receipts altogether. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before doing so.


  • Increased privacy: Turning off read receipts can increase your privacy, as others won't be able to see when you've read their messages. This can be particularly useful if you're receiving messages from someone you don't want to communicate with or if you simply value your privacy.
  • Reduced pressure to respond immediately: When you turn off read receipts, the other person won't know that you've read their message, so you won't feel pressured to respond right away. This can be helpful if you're busy or if you simply want to take your time before responding.


  • Reduced transparency: By turning off read receipts, you're also reducing transparency in your conversations. The other person won't know if you've read their message, so they may assume that you're ignoring them or not interested in the conversation.
  • Potential for misunderstandings: If you don't respond to a message right away and the other person doesn't know that you've read it, they may assume that you're ignoring them or upset with them. This can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Ultimately, whether or not you decide to turn off read receipts is a personal decision. If you value your privacy or want to reduce pressure to respond immediately, turning off read receipts may be a good choice for you. However, if transparency is important to you, it's best to leave read receipts turned on.

Part 4. How to Turn Off WhatsApp Read Receipts

If you've decided to turn off read receipts on WhatsApp, the process is simple:

  • Open WhatsApp and go to "Settings."
  • Tap on "Account" and then "Privacy."
  • Scroll down to "Read receipts" and toggle the switch off.
  • Turn Off Read Receipts

Once you've turned off read receipts, the other person won't be able to see when you've read their messages. Keep in mind that you also won't be able to see when they've read your messages.


WhatsApp read receipts can be a helpful tool for communicating with others, as they let you know when your message has been delivered and read. However, they also come with some potential downsides, such as reduced privacy and pressure to respond immediately.

If you decide that you want to turn off read receipts on WhatsApp, it's a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Just remember that turning off read receipts means you'll also lose the ability to see when others have read your messages.

Ultimately, whether or not you choose to use read receipts on WhatsApp is a personal decision. It's important to weigh the pros and cons and consider your own preferences and needs before making a decision.

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